Frequently asked interview questions for Flutter - Part 2

I have attended and conducted 60+ interviews for Senior Flutter Developer Globally, based on my experience I have documented the interview questions along with the sample Answers. You could refer to this for your upcoming interviews. 


All the Best!

Listing down some of the frequently asked questions that might help you to get placed in a well-repeated organization.

  1. What inspired you to work with Flutter?
  2. What is the structure of a Flutter project and how does it differ from other mobile development frameworks?
  3. How does Flutter handle widgets and layout?
  4. What are the main differences between Flutter and other cross-platform development frameworks like React Native?
  5. Can you explain how Flutter handles state management?
  6. What is the difference between a Hot reload and a Hot restart?

What inspired you to work with Flutter?

Its fast development cycle, native performance, and modern design-focused user interface. The ease of creating beautiful, fast and responsive animations with Flutter's unique widget and layout system is also a big draw for many developers. Additionally, the fact that Flutter allows for a single codebase to be used across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android, makes it an attractive option for many organizations looking to streamline their mobile development process.

What is the structure of a Flutter project and how does it differ from other mobile development frameworks?

The structure of a Flutter project is organized into a list of directories and files, 

Including the following:

  • lib: This directory contains the main.Dart code for the application, including the main file that run the app, as well as other Dart files that define the application's widgets, logic, and state.
  • assets: This directory contains the application's assets like images, fonts, and other resources.
  • pubspec.yaml: This file holds the dependencies and assets for the Flutter project, including the required packages and version information.
  • android and ios: These directories contain platform-specific code and configurations for building the app for Android and iOS respectively.

While we compare with other mobile development frameworks, the structure of a Flutter project can be seen as straightforward, with the focus being on the Dart code and the widget tree. This makes it easier for developers to understand and maintain the codebase.

Additionally, Flutter's focus on a widget-based approach to UI and layout, as opposed to the more traditional XML-based approach used by some other mobile development frameworks, can lead to a cleaner and more intuitive codebase for developers.

How does Flutter handle widgets and layout?

In Flutter, widgets are the basic building blocks of the user interface. Flutter provides a rich set of pre-built widgets, as well as the ability to create custom widgets, that can be combined to create complex and beautiful user interfaces.

Widgets in Flutter are defined using the Dart programming language and are organized into a tree-based hierarchy. This hierarchy defines the layout of the user interface and the relationships between widgets, such as how widgets should be positioned and sized relative to one another.

For example, a simple layout in Flutter might consist of a Container widget as the root widget, with several child widgets such as a Text widget and an Image widget. These child widgets would then be positioned and sized using properties such as padding, margin, width, and height.

Overall, the widget and layout system in Flutter provides a powerful and flexible way for us to create beautiful and responsive user interfaces, while also providing a clean and maintainable codebase.

What are the main differences between Flutter and other cross-platform development frameworks like React Native?

For this Question, I would like to list some of the main differences between Flutter and other cross-platform development frameworks like React Native:

  • Programming Language: Flutter uses Dart as the programming language, while React Native uses JavaScript.
  • Development Approach: Flutter uses a widget-based approach to building user interfaces, while React Native uses a component-based approach.
  • UI Rendering: Flutter uses its own high-performance rendering engine to draw the UI, while React Native uses native components and relies on the platform's native UI rendering capabilities.
  • Performance: Flutter's rendering engine allows for fast and smooth animations, while React Native's performance can be limited by the platform's native rendering capabilities.
  • Community: React Native has a larger and more established community, with a wider range of libraries and tools available, while Flutter is a newer framework with a growing community.
  • Development Cycle: Flutter provides a faster development cycle, with a hot reload feature that allows developers to see changes in real-time, while React Native requires a full rebuild for changes to take effect.
  • Testing: Flutter provides built-in support for testing, including unit testing and widget testing, while React Native requires the use of additional tools and libraries for testing.

Can you explain how Flutter handles state management?

In Flutter, state management refers to the process of managing and updating the data that drives the UI, such as user inputs, screen transitions, and data fetched from external sources.

Flutter provides several approaches to state management, including:

  • Stateful Widgets: The simplest approach to state management in Flutter is to use Stateful Widgets, which hold mutable state within the widget tree. A Stateful Widget is created by extending the StatefulWidget class and implementing the createState() method, which returns an instance of the State class. The State class is where the mutable state is held and updated, and changes to the state trigger a rebuild of the widget tree.
  • Inherited Widgets: Inherited Widgets provide a way to share data across the widget tree, and can be used as a form of state management in Flutter. An Inherited Widget is a widget that holds a value that can be inherited by descendants in the widget tree.
  • Bloc Pattern: The Bloc Pattern is a popular way to manage state in Flutter, and involves the use of business logic components (Blocs) to manage state and communicate with the UI. The Blocs listen to events, process the data, and update the state, which is then used to update the UI.
  • Provider: Provider is a package that provides a simplified way to access and update the state, and is often used as an alternative to the Bloc pattern for simple state management needs. Provider uses dependency injection to provide state to widgets in the widget tree, and updates to the state trigger a rebuild of the widget tree.
    • to learn more about this, you can refer to our site for examples

The choice of state management approach in Flutter will depend on the size and complexity of the project, as well as the preferences of the development team. The Bloc pattern and the Provider package are generally recommended for larger and more complex projects, while the simpler Stateful Widgets and Inherited Widgets are often sufficient for smaller projects.

What is the difference between a Hot reload and a Hot restart?

  • Hot reload refers to the ability to reload the code in a running application without restarting the entire application. This allows developers to quickly test and iterate on their code changes without losing their current application state.
  • Hot restart, on the other hand, refers to the ability to restart the application with a new configuration or updated code while preserving the application state. This enables developers to apply updates to their applications without losing the current state of the application.

Both hot reload and hot restart can be helpful in speeding up the development process and reducing downtime during updates. You can also check out the next part.


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